
Monday, August 22, 2011

Reader Roundup

Berlin Library plans to return books that were stolen by the Nazis, including a copy of the Communist Manifesto that seems to have been owned by Friedrich Engels

Bookslut contributer Roxane Gay offers a very astute reading of Kathryn Stockett’s The Help, both the film and the book. The novel is in my to-read pile, and I’m looking forward to seeing how it squares with this essay. Also, Gay wrote a very moving piece about weight issues in fiction for Bookslut.

Meg Campbell, founder of Codman Academy Charter Public Academy made a list of her favorite libraries for the Huffington Post. Her list includes the National Library Service of Malawai, which also serves as an open to the public school, college, and university.

At The Millions, author Steve Himmer argues that no person, especially a child, should be barred from reading a book.

The British Columbia library will soon be lending out people, actual human beings, as well as books.

City Island in the Bronx, meanwhile, offers fresh produce aside its books.

And Saul Bellow’s the Adventures of Augie March has been selected by the Chicago Public Library system as this year’s One Book, One Chicago feature.


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