Left: Here is one of our cemeteries. We actually have several. Possibly too many. Further back, you can see our iconic water tower (e.d: it's only iconic to the townspeople. A graphic of the tower is illustrated on the mayor's license plate, I believe.)
Right: Another shot of the cemetery, this time
an area absent of dead people, supposedly. A few
years back a different cemetery in our area became famous for "recycling" burial plots. So maybe there are dead people.
Left: To escape from morbidity for a moment, this pond is an odd oasis hidden in the middle of an abandoned parking lot. I hope it remains a secret between me and the maintenance staff.
Right: Before you ask, no, the place is not solely made up of tombstones, trees, and abandoned lots! However, those are among the few things I apparently like to photograph. I also enjoy derelict engine repair shops. See that windshield in the left corner? It is attached to a rusty, gutted Camry (or something like that, I don't know cars).
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